The part I love most about Weed Wednesday is that it gives me a reason to learn more about these plants, if anyone out there is actually reading this it is just an added bonus. This weed Wednesday I learn about a weed we have all noticed since we were kids sitting on the grass waiting for the fireworks to start on the 4th of July .
White Clover: There's a Reason We've Been Hunting Them
You may not have realized this, but the white flower coming off this plant are one in the same with with 3 leaf clovers. Children are especially fond of these plants because they have been told of the luck 4 leaf clovers bring. There is a good reason to be hunting for this plant, but it is not just because of the good fortune.
The white clover is attractive to bees and many insects as well as grazing animals such as cows, horses and deer. It also used to be incorporated in fertilizers due to its green grassy color and is referred to as "living mulch" because of the ability of the plant's leaves to block the sun on the soil to impede the growth of other weeds. I guess its better to stick to the devil you know, huh.
This plant can be eaten in a variety of ways. It can be mixed in to salads, cooked like a leafy green such as spinach, incorporated into a soup, or raw (hopefully only if you're lost in the wilderness somewhere). Flowers and seed pods can be dried, ground into a powder and used as a flour or sprinkled on cooked foods. The flowers can also be dried and made into a tea which has a sweet taste (which is probably why the bees like it).
This herb also has a number of health benefits and has been used by the Cherokee, Iroquois, and Mohegan Indians among others. The most common way to ingest as a medicine is in the form of a tea. this Since 100% of people prefer a list to trying to have me make a paragraph out of the benefits, here they are:
- Counteracts certain types of tuberculosis
- Cleanses the blood, boils, sores, and wounds
- Helps heal eye disorders and diseases
- Can be used as a tonic
- Treats coughs, colds, and fevers
- Alleviates menopausal symptoms
- Aids in cognitive function, especially when overworked
- Aids in the proper hormonal functioning
- Helps immune function
- Can be made into a tincture to heal wounds
- Reduces inflammation due to arthritis
And this isn't even the whole list! This is a very powerful plant with many associated health benefits. I don't know about you, but I'm about to boil up some clover tea.